The National Weather Service Should Further Strengthen Its Protection of Essential Operational Technology
Our evaluation identified internal weaknesses in some operational technology systems related to credential and vulnerability management that could increase the risk of a successful cyberattack.
Report Number OIG-25-012-I
OIG's Evaluation of MEP's Economic Impact Reporting Process Also Identified Instances of Noncompliance at Centers, Led to NIST Action
This report provides additional results identified during our evaluation of MEP economic impact reporting—specifically, it details two instances in which our work prompted NIST to conduct its own review and issue notices of material noncompliance to MEP Centers.
Report Number OIG-25-011-I
Audit of Semiconductor Incentives Program Eligibility
This announcement memo initiates an audit to determine whether NIST ensured that entities receiving financial assistance met eligibility requirements under the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) Act.
2020 Census Contractor Agrees to Pay $8,000,000 to Settle Fraud Allegations
DOJ Press Release
Audit of EDA's FY 2019 Disaster Relief Grants Costs Claimed and Oversight Efforts
This announcement memo initiates an audit to determine whether EDA grantees accounted for and expended disaster relief funds in accordance with federal laws and regulations. Specifically, we will determine whether EDA (1) claimed allowable, allocable, and reasonable costs under the financial assistance awards and (2) received the goods and services paid for by the awards.
Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund Award Process for NOFO 1
This announcement memo initiates an audit to determine whether NTIA had an adequate review and selection award process to ensure grant recipients met requirements of the Innovation Fund program’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) 1—Research and Development, Testing and Evaluation.
2025 Annual Letter to OMB re: Government Charge Card Abuse Act of 2012
Report Number OIG-25-010-M
Audit of BAS System Implementation for the Census Bureau
This announcement memo initiates an audit to assess the Department’s efforts to transition Census Bureau financial operations to the Business Applications Solution.
Report Number 2025-510
Puerto Rico's Department of Natural and Environmental Resources Properly Disbursed Funds but Was Slow in Expending Fishery Disaster Assistance Funds
Our audit found that the Puerto Rico’s Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (PRDNER) properly disbursed and used federal funds to support its fisheries in recovering from the impacts of the damages caused by several hurricanes. However, PRDNER was slow in spending funds, as only approximately 7 percent of the total disaster assistance funds have been expended since April 1, 2020.
Report Number OIG-25-009-A
Semiannual Evaluations of the Status of NTIA's Broadband Grant Programs
This announcement memo initiates the 2025 semiannual evaluations of the status of NTIA-administered broadband grant programs that received funding under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
Broadband: A Data Stroll, Version 2
The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), Office of Inspector General’s (OIG’s) Data Analytics team has developed a second version of Broadband: A Data Stroll in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) OIG and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) OIG.
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